How to Send a Package: International
Learn how to send packages from the U.S. to other countries, whether you:
- Bring your package to a Post Office™ location.
- Create and print your own customs form, which saves a lot of time.
- Use Click-N-Ship® service 购买邮资,打印标签和海关表格,甚至安排取货.
For sending letters under 3.5 oz and large envelopes under 15.994 oz to other countries, see How to Send a Letter: International.

Packages sent to countries that follow European Union (EU) customs rules need more-detailed content descriptions for customs forms. Learn what you need to do.
Send International Packages: Step-by-Step Instructions
Expand AllBefore You Start:
Things You'll Need
- 收件人或公司的全名以及他们的国际地址.
- 您要发送的物品及其价值的综合清单(用于海关表格). Example: Put "men's cotton shirts," not "clothing."
- A printer if you're printing your customs form. (You can save a lot of time by using our Customs Form Online tool to fill out your own form, print it out, 把它和你的包裹一起带到邮局去付邮资和寄送包裹.)
- Packaging materials (like boxes, padding, and tape).
You Should Know
- Tracking: Depending on how and where you ship, 你可能不会得到你习惯的与美国相同级别的跟踪信息.S. packages.
- 规则:你必须遵守更多的规则、法律和条例(来自美国邮政总局、美国邮政总局和美国邮政总局).S.,以及目的地国家),你有责任遵守所有这些规定.
- 不能发送的东西:国际包裹中不能发送的东西更多, 每个国家对入境包裹中允许携带的物品都有自己的规定.
- 海关表格:当你发送商品时(除了信件或文件以外的任何东西), 它必须有一份海关表格,是由电脑生成的(不是手写的),由美国邮政总局批准的软件通过电子方式将海关表格数据发送给美国邮政总局.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). If you have a handwritten customs form, 你需要把它交给美国邮政公司的零售助理,他们会为你制作一份电脑生成的海关表格.
- 结果:你需要非常仔细、详细和准确. If you make mistakes, your package could be delayed, subject to extra import fees, or even rejected, confiscated, or destroyed by the receiving country.

Step 1: Where, What, & How Much Can You Send?
- 你不允许发送到那个国家的东西(也见将军 International Shipping Restrictions and Prohibitions.)
- How much of it you can send (weight and size limits)
- What shipping services you can use
- Other country-specific information
First, check the International Service Disruptions page 确保美国邮政总局接受寄往你目的地国家的包裹.
What Can I Send?
- See International Shipping Restrictions 网投十大娱乐平台不能发送的物品(禁止)和在特定条件下可以发送的物品(限制)的一般指导.
- Also see additional guidance in USPS出版物52,危险,限制和易腐邮件.
- Lastly, 每个国家都有自己的规定,什么是允许的,什么是不允许的 Individual Country Listings (它将显示其他重要信息,如重量限制和价格组).
How Much Can I Send? (Size & Weight Limits)
不同的USPS国际包裹十大网堵平台有不同的最大重量限制,然后 destination countries may have lower limits. 你可以发送到特定目的地的东西类型也有限制(比如印刷材料或信件),货币价值也有限制(比如,电子邮件), 使用一级国际包裹十大网堵平台发送的东西的最大价值为400美元。.
Service |
Max Weight (Country limits may be lower) |
Flat Rate Envelope: 4 lbs |
Flat Rate Envelope: 4 lbs |
Up to 4 lbs (64 oz) |
Up to 15.994 oz for a large envelope (flat), documents only |
Up to 66 lbs (printed material only) |
Large envelopes (flats) for First-Class Mail International may not contain goods and must be rectangular, flexible, and uniformly thick, 长度15" x高度12“ x厚度3/4”, with a max weight of 15.994 oz.
超过国际一级邮件最大尺寸限制的大信封或硬信封或块状信封将按国际一级包裹十大网堵平台收费® (small package) price.
Packages: If you're using your own box, 您必须遵守以下尺寸限制(请注意,国家限制可能更低):
- 头等国际包裹十大网堵平台:最长长度为24寸, and combined maximum length + height + thickness is 36"
- For other international packages, 长度(包装最长的一面)加上总周长(最厚部分周围的距离)必须小于108". Learn to Measure Package Girth. (Tip: You don't have to measure your package if you use USPS Flat Rate packaging with the matching USPS Flat Rate service.)
See the International Mail & Shipping Services Page 有关重量和尺寸限制以及其他限制的更多详细信息, 限制(包括个别国家的重量和尺寸限制), and available extra features.

Step 2: Choose an International Shipping Service
USPS offers 5 different services for sending international packages. Some services are only available to certain countries, or for certain types or amounts of contents: Check the Individual Country Listings for info on specific countries.
提示:根据你要发送的内容和你要发送的地方,检查一下你可以使用哪些十大网堵平台, then fine-tune your decision based on price, speed, and available features.
Fastest Delivery SpeedFast delivery for your most important mail and packages. |
Affordable OptionsValue-priced shipping. |
Best for Documents or Printed Materials Only只装文件的大信封或装书或其他印刷品的大麻袋(重达66磅). |
你正在发送需要在一周内到达的重要物品. 在某些地方,你可以得到日期确定、邮费退款的保证.1 |
你有一个重量超过4磅的包裹,可以选择统一定价或按重量定价. |
你有一个价值不超过400美元,重量不超过4磅的包裹(或大信封). |
You have a large envelope of documents that weighs under 15.994 oz. |
You're an international student in the U.S. and need to send lots of books home. |
Fastest Delivery SpeedFast delivery for your most important mail and packages. |
你正在发送需要在一周内到达的重要物品. 在某些地方,你可以得到日期确定、邮费退款的保证.1 |
Affordable Options价值定价航运与选项统一费率定价或定价的重量. |
You have a package that weighs over 4 lbs. |
你有一个价值不超过400美元、重量不超过4磅的包裹(或大信封). |
Best for Documents or Printed Materials Only只装文件的大信封或装书或其他印刷品的大麻袋(重达66磅). |
你有一个大信封的文件,重量不到1磅(15磅).994 oz). |
You're an international student in the U.S. and need to send lots of books home. |
选择USPS国际十大网堵平台取决于你想花多少钱, how quickly you want it to arrive, the country that you’re sending to, what you’re sending (and its size, shape, and weight), and if you need tracking or other special features.
For example, one of our most popular services, First-Class Package International Service在美国,只能用于重量不超过4磅(64盎司)、价值不超过400美元的物品.
See more details and features: Compare USPS International Shipping Services
注意:如果USPS不允许接受您的国际包裹(例如, it's bigger than USPS maximum size limits), you’ll need to choose another carrier.
International Insurance & Extra Services
您可以购买保险或其他额外十大网堵平台(如挂号邮件)®),但并非所有功能都适用于所有USPS航运十大网堵平台和国家. See more information in International Insurance & Extra Services.

Step 3: Prepare Your Box
Pick & Pack Your Box
- 使用一个坚固的盒子,有足够的空间为易碎物品添加缓冲,防止物品移动.
- If you're reusing a box, make sure all old markings, shipping labels, and addresses are completely covered or blacked out.
- 写下每一项(当你填写海关表格时,作为第6步的参考), how much it weighs, 以及它的价值——您的海关表格中需要这些信息(无论您是在家里使用我们的海关表格在线工具还是在邮局填写).
- 用胶带把你的箱子粘在一起,使它四面平合,并用2英寸宽的包装胶带加固盖子.
如果您将使用优先邮件特快国际或优先邮件国际统一费率十大网堵平台, you can get free shipping supplies, delivered to you for free, to use with those services.

Step 4: Write the Address
请在包裹最长的一面平行写上地址, 确保把地址和邮资写在同一面.
International address formats are different for each country. 你需要用英语写收货地址(如果你需要用其他语言的话), you have to add the English translation after each line).
Print your return address and the delivery address clearly, 在你贴邮资的盒子的同一面, to help ensure your package is delivered on time.
International Address Format Tips
- Print addresses neatly in capital letters.
- Use a pen or permanent marker.
- Don’t use commas or periods.
Write Sender Address
Write your address in the U.S. (the “return address”) in the top-left corner. Include the following on separate lines:
- Your full name or company name
- Apartment or suite number
- Full street address
- City, State, and ZIP+4 Code®
Write Delivery Address
Generally, 你要把送货地址写在标签或包裹的中间(在退货地址的下面和右边), if possible).
You must write the delivery address in English, 不过你也可以把收货地址写成另一种语言(比如俄语), Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Cyrillic, Japanese, or Chinese), if you write the English translation after each line.
许多国家使用不同的地址格式(例如,邮政编码可能在城市之前)。. 获取有关其他国家邮政地址的具体信息 万国邮政联盟及按一下“邮政寻址系统”."
Generally, include the following on separate lines:
- Recipient's full name or company name
- Full street address
- 城市、分区(如省、州、县)和邮政编码
- Country
See the International Mail Manual for more details on addressing.
United Kingdom
NOTE: If you're sending mail to a U.S. territory, U.S. military base, or U.S. embassy in another country (APO/FPO/DPO mail), see How to Send a Package: Domestic.
TIP: 另外,把收信人的全名和地址写在一张纸上,放在你的包裹里.
How to Address International Mail & Packages
A special note on U.S. 其他国家的军事基地和大使馆(APO/FPO/DPO地址)
APO/FPO/DPO mail going to U.S. military bases and embassies in other countries is special; you pay domestic prices, you use a different address format, and you’ll have to fill out a customs form.
To prevent mail from entering foreign mail networks, 在APO/FPO/DPO送货地址中不包括城市或国家名称. 确保您包含APO/FPO/DPO送货地址的单位和箱号(如果分配的话)。.

Step 5: Calculate & Apply Postage
如果你要使用邮票或在邮局支付邮资,你可以使用 International Postage Calculator to figure out the price of your postage.
You can also use Click-N-Ship service 支付及印制国际特快专递的国际邮资, Priority Mail International, and First-Class Package International Service.
Make Sure You’re Paying the Correct Postage:
- 确保重量准确:使用厨房称或邮政称, or have your package weighed at the post office. Include the weight of everything, including packing materials.
- 重量:一些美国邮政的产品四舍五入到盎司,而其他四舍五入到磅. For example, 如果你寄的是一个重5磅2盎司的国际优先邮件包裹, you would round up to the pound and pay the 6 lb-rate.
- Use the right shipping service: For example, 头等国际包裹十大网堵平台只能用于重量不超过4磅(64盎司)、价值不超过400美元的包裹.
- Use the correct package label. Make sure the label you’re using matches the packaging. (例如,您只能在国际优先邮件包裹上使用“优先邮件”标签.)
Calculate an International Postage Price
Add-On Services
If you want insurance, proof of delivery, signature services, or other optional services, you’ll have to pay extra.
Our International Insurance & Extra Services page has more details; some of the more common add-on services for international package include:
- Insurance: Priority Mail Express International, 和优先邮件国际十大网堵平台包括一些保险, and you can purchase extra coverage up to certain limits.
- Registered Mail®:要求收件人在邮件上签名以确认发送(或试图发送).
- 回执:你会收到一份打印的或通过电子邮件发送的送货记录,上面有收件人的签名.
- 邮寄证明:你从邮局寄了东西的证明.
Find more details on International Insurance & Extra Services.

Step 6: Create Your Customs Forms & Labels
当你寄包裹到其他国家时,你必须填写海关表格. All customs forms must be computer-generated:
- 如果您使用Click-N-Ship十大网堵平台来打印您自己的邮资,它将为您打印海关表格.
- If you’ll be paying for your postage at the Post Office, 您可以使用我们的网上海关表格工具,在家中自行列印海关表格,以节省时间.
- Otherwise, you can bring your package to the Post Office, fill out Form PS 2976-R, 然后把它交给美国邮政总局的零售助理,这样他们就可以制作和打印你的海关表格.
When you fill out a customs form, you’ll make a list of what you’re sending, including how much each item is worth and its weight. 还有新的要求,要求对寄往欧盟(EU)海关规定国家的包裹提供更详细的内容说明. 收货国可能会打开并检查你的包裹,所以你需要准确无误. You can see more information on our Customs Forms page.
TIP: 唯一不需要海关申报表的情况是,当你发送重量在15磅以下的不可转让文件(如信件或其他没有现金价值的文件).994 oz using First-Class Mail International® service.
Reminder: When you send packages to U.S. military bases and embassies outside of the United States, even though you’re paying domestic prices, you'll still need to fill out a customs form. Learn About Military & Diplomatic Mail

Step 7: Send Your International Shipment
Once your package has the correct address, postage, and customs form, how you send it will depend on its size and weight; whether you used stamps or paid for postage online; and if it has a computer-generated customs form.
You can always give your package to a clerk at a Post Office.
在某些情况下,你可以安排一个免费的包裹领取或在一个 blue collection box (restrictions apply).
When it comes to international packages, 你可以把什么放在一个蓝色的收集箱或邮局大厅的掉落是有点复杂.
- Your package has a computer-generated customs form
- And you paid for the postage online (like using Click-N-Ship)
- And it weighs less than 10 oz and is less than 1/2" thick
Please see What Can and Cannot be Deposited in a Collection Box®? as well as 网投十大娱乐平台需要海关表格的邮件投递的具体指导.
Otherwise, you’ll need to give your package to an employee at a Post Office location.
Schedule a Package Pickup
如果你在网上创建了运输标签和海关表格,你的邮递员就可以取走你的国际包裹, paid for the postage online, and printed out the shipping label and customs form. The international services eligible for Package Pickup are:
- Priority Mail Express International®
- Priority Mail International®
- First-Class Package International Service®
If your package is eligible for Package Pickup service, 您可以要求在您的正常邮件投递期间免费取件.
如果你想让你的包裹在特定的时间被取走,你可以支付一笔按需取件的费用® 邮局会在预定的两小时内取件.
1. 您可以在选定的地点获得特定日期的十大网堵平台,并保证退款. 你必须在邮局付邮资并邮寄信件或包裹™ location. Browse Individual Country List. Back ^